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Title: Intensity mapping of post-reionization 21-cm signal and its cross-correlations as a probe of f(R) gravity
Authors: Dash, Chandrachud B. V.
Sarkar, Tapomoy Guha
Sarkar, Anjan Kumar
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2023
Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2023, Vol.44, ArticleNo.5
Abstract: We propose the intensity mapping of the redshifted Hi 21-cm signal from the post-reionization epoch as a cosmological probe of f(R) gravity. We consider the Hu–Sawicki family of f(R) gravity models characterized by a single parameter f,R0. The f(R) modification to gravity affects the post-reionization 21-cm power spectrum through the change in the growth rate of density fluctuations. We find that a radio interferometric observation with a SKA1-mid-like radio telescope in both auto-correlation and cross-correlation with galaxy weak-lensing and Lyman-α forest may distinguish f(R) models from ΛCDM cosmology at a precision, which is competitive with other probes of f(R) gravity.
Description: Open Access from Indian Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 0250-6335
0973-7758 (Online)
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Copyright: 2023 Indian Academy of Sciences
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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