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Title: Effect of long-range hopping and interactions on entanglement dynamics and many-body localization
Authors: Singh, Rajeev
Moessner, Roderich
Roy, Dibyendu
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Publisher: Americal Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review B, 2017, Vol.95, 094205
Abstract: We numerically investigate the dynamics of entanglement in a chain of spinless fermions with nonrandom but long-range hopping and interactions, and with random on-site energies. For moderate disorder in the absence of interactions, the chain hosts delocalized states at the top of the band which undergo a delocalization-localization transition with increasing disorder. We find an interesting regime in this noninteracting disordered chain where the long-time entanglement entropy scales as S(t)∼lnt and the saturated entanglement entropy scales with system size L as S(L,t→∞)∼lnL. We further study the interplay of long-range hopping and interactions on the growth of entanglement and the many-body localization (MBL) transition in this system. We develop an analogy to higher-dimensional short-range systems to compare and contrast such behavior with the physics of MBL in a higher dimension.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 2469-9950
2469-9969 (online)
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Copyright: 2017 The American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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