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Title: Massive spatial qubits: Testing macroscopic nonclassicality and Casimir entanglement
Authors: Yi, Bin
Sinha, Urbasi
Home, Dipankar
Mazumdar, Anupam
Bose, Sougato
Keywords: nonlocality
quantum correlations in quantum information
quantum entanglement
quantum foundations
quantum measurements
quantum to classical transaction
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2023
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review Research, 2023, Vol.5, Article No. 033202
Abstract: An open challenge in physics is to expand the frontiers of the validity of quantum mechanics by evidencing nonclassicality of the center of mass state of a macroscopic object. Yet another equally important task is to evidence the essential nonclassicality of the interactions which act between macroscopic objects. Here we introduce a new tool to meet these challenges: massive spatial qubits. In particular, we show that if two distinct localized states of a mass are used as the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states of a qubit, then we can measure this encoded spatial qubit with a high fidelity in the σx,σy, and σz bases simply by measuring its position after different duration of free evolution. This technique can be used reveal the irreducible nonclassicality of the spin and center of mass entangled state of a nanocrystal implying macrocontextuality. Further, in the context of Casimir interaction, this offers a powerful method to create and certify non-Gaussian entanglement between two neutral nano-objects. The entanglement such produced provides an empirical demonstration of the Casimir interaction being inherently quantum.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 2643-1564
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Copyright: 2023 American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (LAMP)

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