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Title: Noise analysis for the Sorkin and Peres tests performed on a quantum computer
Authors: Sadana, Simanraj
Maccone, Lorenzo
Sinha, Urbasi
Keywords: quantum computing
noise analysis
Issue Date: 18-Aug-2023
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Quantum Information Processing, 2023, Vol. 22, Article number: 317
Abstract: We use quantum computers to test the foundations of quantum mechanics through quantum algorithms that implement some of the experimental tests as the basis of the theory’s postulates. These algorithms can be used as a test of the physical theory under the premise of perfect hardware or as a test of the hardware under the premise that quantum theory is correct. In thiswork, we showhowthe algorithms can be used to test the efficacy of a quantum computer in obeying the postulates of quantum mechanics. We study the effect of different types of noise on the results of experimental tests of the postulates. A salient feature of this noise analysis is that it is deeply rooted in the fundamentals of quantum mechanics as it highlights how systematic errors affect the quantumness of the quantum computer.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 1570-0755
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Copyright: 2023 The Author(s)
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (LAMP)

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