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Title: Path integral suppression of badly behaved causal sets
Authors: Carlip, P
Carlip, S
Surya, S
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2023
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Citation: Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2023, Vol. 40, p095004
Abstract: Causal set theory is a discrete model of spacetime that retains a notion of causal structure. We understand how to construct causal sets that approximate a given spacetime, but most causal sets are not at all manifold-like, and must be dynamically excluded if something like our Universe is to emerge from the theory. Here we show that the most common of these 'bad' causal sets, the Kleitman-Rothschild orders, are strongly suppressed in the gravitational path integral, and we provide evidence that a large class of other 'bad' causal sets are similarly suppressed. It thus becomes plausible that continuum behavior could emerge naturally from causal set quantum theory.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 0264-9381
1361-6382 (Online)
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Copyright: 2023 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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