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Title: Direction reversing active Brownian particle in a harmonic potential
Authors: Santra, Ion
Basu, Urna
Sabhapandit, Sanjib
Issue Date: Oct-2021
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Citation: Soft Matter, 2021, Vol. 17, p10108-10119
Abstract: We study the two-dimensional motion of an active Brownian particle of speed v(0), with intermittent directional reversals in the presence of a harmonic trap of strength mu. The presence of the trap ensures that the position of the particle eventually reaches a steady state where it is bounded within a circular region of radius v(0)/mu, centered at the minimum of the trap. Due to the interplay between the rotational diffusion constant D-R, reversal rate gamma, and the trap strength mu, the steady state distribution shows four different types of shapes, which we refer to as active-I & II, and passive-I & II phases. In the active-I phase, the weight of the distribution is concentrated along an annular region close to the circular boundary, whereas in active-II, an additional central diverging peak appears giving rise to a Mexican hat-like shape of the distribution. The passive-I is marked by a single Boltzmann-like centrally peaked distribution in the large D-R limit. On the other hand, while the passive-II phase also shows a single central peak, it is distinguished from passive-I by a non-Boltzmann like divergence near the origin. We characterize these phases by calculating the exact analytical forms of the distributions in various limiting cases. In particular, we show that for D-R MUCH LESS-THAN gamma, the shape transition of the two-dimensional position distribution from active-II to passive-II occurs at mu = gamma. We compliment these analytical results with numerical simulations beyond the limiting cases and obtain a qualitative phase diagram in the (D-R, gamma, mu(-1)) space.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 1744-683X
1744-6848 (Online)
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Copyright: 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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