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Title: Photon mass via current confinement
Authors: Vyas, Vivek M.
Panigrahi, Prasanta K.
Issue Date: Aug-2017
Publisher: Elesvier B.V.
Citation: Physics Letters B, 2017, Vol.771, p588-592
Abstract: A parity invariant theory, consisting of two massive Dirac fields, defined in three dimensional space–time, with the confinement of a certain current is studied. It is found that the electromagnetic field, when coupled minimally to these Dirac fields, becomes massive owing to the current confinement. It is seen that the origin of photon mass is not due to any kind of spontaneous symmetry breaking, but only due to current confinement.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 0370-2693
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Copyright: 2017 Elesvier B.V.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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