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Title: Extracting molecular potentials from incomplete spectroscopic information.
Authors: Li, Xuan
Dutta, Sourav
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Molecular Physics, 2015, Vol.23, p3854-3858
Abstract: We extend our recently developed inversion method to extract excited-state potentials from fluorescence line positions and line strengths. We consider a previous limitation of the method arising due to insufficient input data in cases where the relatively weaker emission data are not experimentally available. We develop a solution to this problem by ‘regenerating’ these weak transition lines via applying a model potential, e.g. a Morse potential. The result of this procedure, illustrated for the Q-branch emission from the lowest three vibrational levels of the B(1Π) state of LiRb, is shown to have an error of 0.29 cm−1 in the classically allowed region and a global error of 5.67 cm−1 for V ≤ E(ν′ = 10). The robustness of this procedure is also demonstrated by considering the statistical error in the measured line intensities.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 0026-8976
1362-3028 (Online)
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Copyright: 2014 Taylor & Francis
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (LAMP)

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