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Title: Were thick galactic disks made by levitation?
Authors: Sridhar, S.
Touma, Jihad R.
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Citation: Science, 1996, Vol.271, p973
Abstract: The thick disk of our galaxy displays kinematic and chemical properties that are intermediate between those of the halo and the (thin) disk stellar populations. Not all disk galaxies have a thick disk. A theory of the origins of a thick disk can potentially provide insights into the physical state of our galaxy in its infancy. Levitation, a process that relies on adiabatic capture into resonance of stellar orbits in a growing disk, is presented as a plausible formation mechanism; a 22 resonance between vertical and epicyclic oscillations drifts to large vertical energies as the disk grows adiabatically. Resonant stars levitate several kiloparsecs above the plane, forming a thick disk whose spatial distributions, kinematics, and ages leave unique observational signatures on the sky. The same process can also produce the disk globular cluster system.
Description: Restricted Access
ISSN: 0036-8075
1095-9203 (Online)
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Copyright: 1996 American Association for the Advancement of Science
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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