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Title: Multispecies model with interconversion, chipping, and injection
Authors: Sachdeva, Himani
Barma, Mustansir
Rao, Madan
Keywords: Classical transport
General studies of phase transitions
Fluctuation phenomena
random processes
Brownian motion
Intracellular trafficking
Issue Date: Sep-2011
Publisher: The Americal Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review E, 2011, Vol.84, 031106
Abstract: Motivated by the phenomenology of transport through the Golgi apparatus of cells, we study a multispecies model with boundary injection of one species of particle, interconversion between the different species of particle, and driven diffusive movement of particles through the system by chipping of a single particle from a site. The model is analyzed in one dimension using equations for particle currents. It is found that, depending on the rates of various processes and the asymmetry in the hopping, the system may exist either in a steady phase, in which the average mass at each site attains a time-independent value, or in a “growing” phase, in which the total mass grows indefinitely in time, even in a finite system. The growing phases have interesting spatial structure. In particular, we find phases in which some spatial regions of the system have a constant average mass, while other regions show unbounded growth.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 1539-3755
1550-2376 (Online)
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Copyright: 2011 The American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (SCM)

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