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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
14-Jun-2016Pseudo-polar tilted smectic phases exhibited by bent-core hockey stick shaped moleculesMalkar, Deepshika; Sadashiva, B.K.; Roy, ArunSoft Matter, 2016, Vol. 12, p 4960
Dec-1983Synthesis and miscibility studies of some phenyl cinnamoyloxybenzoate derivativesUrs, Subramanya Raj M.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Suresh, K.A.; Krishna Prasad, S.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1983, Vol.103, p235-241
Jul-2015The infuence of lateral substituents on the occurrence of a transition between two polar smectic phases with antiferroelectric propertsRadhika, S.; Keshava Murthy, R.N.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Pratibha, R.Liquid Crystals, 2015, Vol.42, p1043-1058
10-Oct-2003Twist grain boundary smectic A phase in compounds derived from cholesterolShubashree, S.; Sadashiva, B.K.Current Science, 2003, Vol. 85, p1061-1065.
Jun-1994Mesogenic β-diketones and metallonematogensGhode, Archana; Shivkumar, Uma; Sadashiva, B.K.Bulletin of Materials Science, 1994, Vol. 17, p283-297.
5-Apr-1975Mesomorphic properties of some biphenyl benzoatesSadashiva, B.K.; Subba Rao, G.S.R.Current Science, 1975, Vol. 44, p222-224.
Aug-2003Columnar phases exhibited by some polycatenar ligands and a few related metal complexesSadashiva, B.K.; Raghunathan, V.A.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p219-229.
Aug-2003On some liquid crystalline phases exhibited by compounds made of bent-core molecules and their mixtures with rod-like moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p405-415.
1975Pressure induced mesomorphismChandrasekhar, S.; Ramaseshan, S.; Reshamwala, A.S.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Shashidhar, R.; Surendranath, V.Pramana Supplement, 1975, Vol. 1, p117-129.
1975Experimental studies of short range order in nematogens of strong positive dielectric anisotropyRatna, B.R.; Vijaya, M.S.; Shashidhar, R.; Sadashiva, B.K.Pramana Supplement, 1975, Vol. 1, p69-74.