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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
5-Jul-1984AC harmonic method of measuring corrosion rateLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Current Science, 1984, Vol. 53, p691-692.
20-Aug-1986Measurement of polarization resistance and double-layer capacity by large amplitude exponential relaxation techniqueLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Current Science, 1986, Vol. 55, p778-780.
Oct-1986Applications of exponential relaxation methods for corrosion studies and corrosion rate measurementsLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Chemical Sciences), 1986 Vol. 97, p465-477.
5-Sep-1986Measurement of polarization resistance and double-layer capacity of corrosion system by exponential linear relaxation techniqueLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Current Science, 1986, Vol. 55, p843-844.
1988Electroforming of corrugated horn for radiotelescopeLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopal, I.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Electrodeposition and electroforming: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrodeposition and Electroforming, February 20-22, 1986, IISc, Bangalore, India, 1986, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1988, p57-67
1984AC current perturbation techniques for measurement of corrosion ratesLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Transactions of SAEST, 1984, Vol.19, p15-21
24-Dec-1986Measurement of corrosion rates by the large-amplitude exponential relaxation techniqueLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1986, Vol.215, p393-400
Sep-1986Instrumentation for recording accelerated Tafel plots with x-y recorderLakshminarayanan, V.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Bulletin of Electrochemistry, 1986, Vol.2, p487-488
Jul-1986Metal finishing challenges in the fabrication of radio telescopesRajagopal, I.; Lakshminarayanan, V.; Rajam, K.S.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Indian Journal of Technology, 1986, Vol.24, p440-446