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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
8-Oct-2015Synthesis of new U-shaped azobenzene liquid crystals for photoswitching properties.Rahman, Md Lutfor; Sarkar, Shaheen M; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenRSC Advances, 2015, Vol. 5, P 87019-29
4-Aug-2009Synthesis and characterization of bent-shaped azobenzene monomers: Guest-host effects in liquid crystals with azo dyes for optical image storage devicesRahman, Md Lutfor; Hegde, Gurumurthy; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, Carsten; Chigrinov, V.G.Optical Materials, 2009, Vol.32, p176
Jul-2014Synthesis and photoswitching properties of liquid crystals derived from myo-inositolRahman, Md Lutfor; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Kumar, SandeepRSC Advances, 2014, Vol. 4, p 35089-35098
Mar-2009Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of nonsymmetric liquid crystalline dimers containing azobenzene groupsRahman, Md Lutfor; Asik, Jahimin; Kumar, Sandeep; Silong, Sidik; Rahman, M.Z.A.Phase Transitions, 2009, Vol.82, p228
Dec-2013Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline azobenzene chromophores with fluorobenzene terminalRahman, Md Lutfor; Hegde, Gurumurthy; Azazpour, Mahrokh; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Kumar, SandeepJournal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 156, p. 230-235
May-2014Synthesis and characterization of naphthalene-based banana-shaped liquid crystals for photoswitching propertiesRahman, Md Lutfor; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, Sandeep; +3 Co-authorsJournal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2014, Vol. 61, p571-577
Mar-2017Photo-induced characteristics of azobenzene based gold nanoparticlesAralapura, Yuvaraj, Rajkumar; Rahman, Md Lutfor; Yosof, Mashitah M; Kumar, SandeepMicro & Nano Letters, 2017, Vol. 12, p201-204
Nov-2008Liquid crystalline banana-shaped monomers derived from 2,7-naphthalene: synthesis and propertiesRahman, Md Lutfor; Asik, Jahimin; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenLiquid Crystals, 2008, Vol. 35(11), p1263-1270
Oct-2007Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of banana-shaped monomers containing 2,7-naphthalene as central coreRahman, Md Lutfor; Asik, Jahimin; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenElectronic Liquid Crystal Communications, October 23 2007
1-Aug-2013New pyrimidine-based photo-switchable bent-core liquid crystalsRahman, Md Lutfor; Hegde, Gurumurthy; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Malek, Md N Fazli A.; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, SandeepNew Journal of Chemistry, 2013, Vol.37, p2460-2467