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Results 11-20 of 298 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jun-1980Steady low shear rate cholesteric flow normal to the helical axisKini, U.D.Pramana, 1980, Vol. 14, p463-475.
5-Oct-1980A simple theory of thermal effects in ionic crystalsNarayan, R.; Ramaseshan, S.Current Science, 1980, Vol. 49, p725-727.
5-Jan-1980NMR spectra of 2-fluoropyridine in nematic liquid crystalsSuryaprakash, N.; Kunwar, A.C.; Khetrapal, C.L.Current Science, 1980, Vol. 49, p1-3.
20-Apr-1980NMR study of the oil build-up in sunflower seedsLakshminarayana, M.R.; Seetharam, A.; Ramanathan, K.V.; Khetrapal, C.L.Current Science, 1980, Vol. 49, p308-309.
1981Statistical theories of nematic liquid crytalsMadhusudana, N.V.Bulletin of Materials Science, 1981, Vol. 3, p119-131.
20-Feb-1981Crystal structure analysis with the maximum entropy methodNarayan, R.; Nityananda, R.Current Science, 1981, Vol. 50, p168-170.
20-Jan-1981New liquid crystalline statesChandrasekhar, S.Current Science, 1981, Vol. 50, p47-50.
1982High strength defects in nematic liquid crystalsMadhusudana, N.V.; Pratibha, R.Current Science, 1982, Vol. 51, p877-881.
20-Jun-1982X-ray scattering by columnar liquid crystalsRanganath, G.S.; Chandrasekhar, S.Current Science, 1982, Vol. 51, p605-606.
Oct-1983On the polymorphism of the smectic A phases of highly polar compoundsMadhusudana, N.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Chemical Sciences), 1983, Vol. 92, p509 -525.