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Results 11-20 of 24 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Aug-2011Theory of the asymmetric ripple phase in achiral lipid membranesKamal, Md. Arif; Pal, Antara; Raghunathan, V.A.; Rao, MadanEurophysics Letters, 2011, Vol.95, p48004
28-Jan-2012Collapse and coacervation of a lamellar phase by inter-headgroup bridgingPal, Antara; Bharath, P.; Dastidar, Sudipta G.; Raghunathan, V.A.Soft Matter, 2012, Vol.8, p927
Oct-2012Phase behavior of the cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate (CTAT)-water systemPal, Antara; Mary, Rose; Raghunathan, V.A.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2012, Vol.174, p48
Nov-2012Modulated phases of phospholipid bilayers induced by tocopherolsKamal, Md. Arif; Raghunathan, V.A.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta , 2012, Vol. 1818, p2486
2012Phase behavior of phospholipid-phytosterol membranesKamal, Md. Arif; Raghunathan, V.A.Soft Matter, 2012, Vol.8, p 8952-8958
21-Sep-2012Defect-mediated lamellar-isotropic transition of amphiphile bilayersPal, Antara; Pabst, G.; Raghunathan, V.A.Soft Matter, 2012, Vol.8, p9069-9072
24-Apr-2012Tuning DNA-amphiphile condensate architecture with strongly binding counterionsRadhakrishnan, A.V.; Ghosh, Sajal Kumar; Pabst, G.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Sood, A.K.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, Vol.109, p6394
7-Nov-2012Modulated phases of lipid membranes induced by sterol derivativesKamal, Md. Arif; Pal, Antara; Raghunathan, V.A.Soft Matter, 2012, Vol.8, p11600-11603
May-2012Phase behavior of two-component lipid membranes: Theory and experimentsKamal, Md. Arif; Pal, Antara; Raghunathan, V.A.; Rao, MadanPhysical Review E, 2012, Vol.85, 051701
15-Jul-2013Thermal unbinding and ordering of amphiphile bilayers in the presence of saltPal, Antara; Bharath, P.; Dastidar, Sudipta G.; Raghunathan, V.A.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, Vol.402, p151