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Results 51-60 of 278 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
24-Jul-2014Pattern formation in Langmuir–Blodgett films of tricycloquinazoline based discotic liquid crystal moleculesKarthik, C.; Manjuladevi, V.; Gupta, Raj Kumar; Kumar, SandeepJournal of Molecular Structure, 2014, Vol.1070, p 52-57
24-Jan-2014Discotic liquid crystal-nanoparticle hybrid systemsKumar, SandeepNPG Asia Materials, 2014, Vol. 6, e82
Feb-2014Effects of chain branching and lateral fluorine substitution on mesomorphism of cholesteryl benzoatesVaria, M.C.; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2014, Vol.41, p 883-890
22-Apr-2013Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Triphenylene Discotic Liquid Crystals Using Antimony(V)Chloride Under Scholl OxidationKumar, Sandeep; Srinivasa, H.T.Organic Chemistry , 2013, Vol. 2 , p 1000116
Dec-2013Triphenylene-based discotic liquid crystals : recent advances Invited articlePal, Santanu Kumar; Setia, Shilpa; Avinash, B.S.; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2013 , Vol. 40, p 1769-1816,
Jul-2014Effect of dispersion of gold nanoparticles on the optical and electrical properties of discotic liquid crystalSupreet; Pratibha, R.; Kumar, Sandeep; Raina, K.K.Liquid Crystals, 2014, Vol.41, p 933-939
May-2013High-temperature chiral nematic phase in naphthalene and cholesterol derivative liquid crystal: characterisation and dielectric relaxation studySingh, Dharmendra Pratap; Varia, M.C.; Gupta, S.K.; Sagar, Laxmi K.; Kumar, Sandeep; Yadav, Satya P.; Manohar, RajivPhysics and chemistry of Liquids, 2013, Vol. 51, p663-676
21-Jan-2014Mutually ordered self-assembly of discotic liquid crystal-graphene nanocomposites.Shivanandareddy, Avinash B.; krishnamurthy, Suvratha; Lakshminarayanan, V.; Kumar, SandeepChemical Communications, 2014, Vol. 50, p710-712
May-2014Synthesis and characterization of naphthalene-based banana-shaped liquid crystals for photoswitching propertiesRahman, Md Lutfor; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, Sandeep; +3 Co-authorsJournal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2014, Vol. 61, p571-577
6-Nov-2014Effect of dispersed colloidal gold nanoparticles on the electrical properties of a columnar discotic liquid crystalMishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraRSC Advances, 2014, Vol. 4, p 62404-62412