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Results 51-60 of 79 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
7-Oct-2009Novel banana-discotic hybrid architecturesBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, SandeepBeilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009, Vol.5, p1
14-Oct-2009A nanophase segregated mesophase morphology in self-organized novel disc-rod oligomesogensBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kumar, SandeepChemical Communications, 2009, Vol.45, p7003
May-2008Thermodynamic, optical and dielectric studies of the homologous members of columnar discotic compound Rufigallol hexa-n-alkoxylatesDhar, R.; Kumar, Sandeep; Gupta, Meenal; Agrawal, V.K.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2008, Vol.141, p19
Oct-2007Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of banana-shaped monomers containing 2,7-naphthalene as central coreRahman, Md Lutfor; Asik, Jahimin; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenElectronic Liquid Crystal Communications, October 23 2007
May-2008Carbon nanotubes in triphenylene and rufigallol-based room temperature monomeric and polymeric discotic liquid crystalsBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepJournal of Materials Chemistry, 2008, Vol.18, p3032
May-2008Synthesis and characterisation of novel rod-disc oligomersPal, Santanu Kumar; Kumar, Sandeep; Seth, JhumurLiquid Crystals, 2008, Vol.35, p521
Jan-2009Microwave-assisted facile synthesis of discotic liquid crystalline symmetrical donor-acceptor-donor triadsGupta, Satyam Kumar; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kumar, SandeepNew Journal of Chemistry, 2009, Vol.33, p112
7-Oct-2008Spatiotemporal patterns in a Langmuir monolayer due to driven molecular precessionGupta, Raj Kumar; Suresh, K.A.; Kumar, Sandeep; Lopatina, L.M.; Selinger, R.L.B.; Selinger, J.V.Physical Review E, 2008, Vol.78, p041703
18-Sep-2008Monolayer of amphiphilic functionalized gold nanoparticles at an air-water interfaceGupta, Raj Kumar; Suresh, K.A.; Kumar, SandeepPhysical Review E, 2008, Vol.78, p032601
Nov-2008Optimization of the display parameters of a room temperature twisted nematic display material by doping single-wall carbon nanotubesDhar, R.; Pandey, Abhay Shanker; Pandey, M.B.; Kumar, Sandeep; Dabrowski, R.Applied Physics Express, 2008, Vol. 1, p121501-121503