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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 587
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
20-Feb-2018Multifunctional nitrogen sulfur co-doped reduced graphene oxide – Ag nano hybrids (sphere, cube and wire) for nonlinear optical and SERS applicationsNair, Anju K; Bhavitha, K B; Sreekanth, Perumbilavil; Pranitha, Shankar; Rouxe, Didier; Kala, M.S.; Thomas, Sabu; Kalarikkala, NandakumarCarbon, 2018, Vol.132, p382-393
20-Mar-2018Direct femtosecond laser surface structuring of crystalline silicon at 400 n mNivas, Jijil J.J.; Anoop, K K; Bruzzese, Riccardo; Philip, Reji; Amoruso, SalvatoreApplied Physics Letters, 2018, Vol.112, p121601
3-Feb-2018The Quantum Cheshire Cateffect: Theoretical basis and observational implicationsDuprey, Q; Kanjilal, S; Sinha, Urbasi; Home, D.; Matzkin, AAnnals of Physics, 2018, Vol.391, p1-15
Jan-2018Ion dynamics of a laser produced aluminium plasma at different ambient pressures.Sankar, Pranitha; Shashikala, H.D.; Philip, RejiApplied Physics A : Materials Science and Processing, 2018, Vol.124, p26
11-May-2017Synthesis, structural and morphological property of BaSnO3 nanopowder prepared by solid state ceramic methodJohn, Jibi; Mahadevan Pillai, V.P.; Thomas, Anitta Rose; Philip, Reji; +3 Co-authorsIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, Vol 195, p012007. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Structural Nano Composites (NANOSTRUC2016) 12–15 September 2016, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Sep-2017Lasing by driven atoms-cavity system in collective strong coupling regimeSawant, Rahul; Rangwala, S.A.Scientifc Reports, 2017, Vol. 7, 11432
Dec-2017Plasmon-Enhanced two-photon absorption in Photoluminescent semiconductor nanocrystalsGeorge, Nisha; Thomas, Anitta Rose; Subha, Radhu; Mary, N.L.Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 2017, Vol. 134, p45377
Aug-2017A high-speed, reconfigurable, channel- and time-tagged photon arrival recording system for intensity-interferometry and quantum optics experimentsGirish, B.S.; Pandey, Deepak; Ramachandran, HemaEuropean Physical Journal Plus, 2017, Vol. 132, p 348
Aug-2017Demonstration of a high-contrast optical switching in an atomic Delta system.Ghosh, Megha; Karigowda, Asha; Jayaraman, Ayyappan; Bretenaker, Fabien; Sanders, Barry C; Narayanan, AndalJournal of Physics B Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2017, Vol.50, p165502
Jun-2017Fabrication of micro-optical components using femtosecond oscillator pulsesRodrigues, Vanessa R.M.; Ramachandran, Hema; Chidangil, Santhosh; Mathur, DeepakProceedings of the SPIE Vol. 10449, p104492V, 2017 , Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering, 4-7 April 2017, Singapore, Edited by Anand Krishna Asundi
18-May-2017Optical emission and dynamics of aluminum plasmas produced by ultrashort and short laser pulsesSankar, Pranitha; Nivas, Jijil J.J.; Smijesh, N.; Tiwari, Gaurav Kumar; Philip, RejiJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, Vol. 32, p 1177
Jul-2016Microfabrication of Fresnel zone plates by laser induced solid ablationRodrigues, Vanessa R.M.; Thomas, John; Santhosh, Chidangil; Ramachandran, Hema; Mathur, DeepakJournal of Optics, 2016, Vol. 18, P 075403
May-2017N-term pairwise-correlation inequalities, steering, and joint measurability.Karthik, H.S.; Usha Devi, A.R.; Tej, Prabhu J.; Rajagopal, A.K.; Sudha; Narayanan, AndalPhysical Review A, 2017, Vol. 95, p052105
Jan-2017Squeezing of the mechanical motion and beating 3 dB limit using dispersive optomechanical interactions.Sainadh, Satya U.; Anil Kumar, M.Journal of Modern Optics, 2017, Vol. 64, p1121-1128
Mar-2017Manipulation of entanglement sudden death in an all-optical setupSingh, Ashutosh; Pradyumna, Siva; Rau, A.R.P.; Sinha, UrbasiJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017, Vol. 34, p681
Mar-2017Collisional cooling of light ions by cotrapped heavy atomsDutta, Sourav; Sawant, Rahul; Rangwala, S.A.Physical Review Letters, 2017, Vol. 118, p 113401
20-Mar-2017All-optical switching in a continuously operated and strongly coupled atom-cavity systemDutta, Sourav; Rangwala, S.A.Applied Physics Letters, 2017, Vol.110, p121107
Jan-2017Two-photon photoassociation spectroscopy of an ultracold heteronuclear moleculeDutta, Sourav; Perez-Rios, Jesus; Elliott, D.S.; Chen, Yong PPhysical Review A, 2017 Vol.95, p013405
Jan-2017Ultrafast and short pulse optical nonlinearity in isolated, sparingly sulfonated water soluble graphene.Sreekanth, P.; Sridharan, Kishore; Koushik, Dibyashree; Sankar, Pranitha; Pillai, Mahadevan V.P.; Philip, RejiCarbon, 2017, Vol.111, p283-290
Nov-2016Nonlinear transmittance and optical power limiting in magnesium ferrite nanoparticles: effects of laser pulsewidth and particle sizeSreekanth, P.; Sridharan, Kishor; Abraham, Ann Rose; Janardhanan, Harsha P; Kalarikkal, Nandakumar; Philip, RejiRSC Advances, 2016, Vol. 6, P 106754-10761
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 587