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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 587
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jun-2020Trap stiffness modification of an optically trapped microsphere through directed motion of nanoparticlesIyengar, Shruthi Subhash; Praveen, P.; Ananthamurthy, Sharath; Bhattacharya, SarbariApplied Opitcs, 2020, Vol.59, p5114-5123
May-2020Interaction potentials and ultracold scattering cross sections for the 7Li+-7Li ion-atom systemPandey, A.; Niranjan, M.; Joshi, N.; Rangwala, S.A.; +2 Co-AuthorsPhysical Review A, 2020, Vol.101, Article. No.052702, p10
Apr-2020Optimization of laser dynamics for active stabilization of DF-VECSELs dedicated to cesium CPT clocksGredat, Grégory; Liu, H.; Fabien, Bretenaker; + 6 Co-authorsJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 2020, Vol.37, p1196
Mar-2020Theoretical and experimental investigations of nitropyrene on silver for nonlinear optical and metal ion sensing applicationsFelscia, U Retta; Rajkumar, Beulah J M; Sankar, Pranitha; Philip, Reji; Mary, M BrigetMaterials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, Vol.243, p122466
Mar-2020Velocity imaging of H- from formic acid: probing functional group dependence in dissociative electron attachment?Ram, Bhargava; Prabhudesai, Vaibhav S.; Krishnakumar, E.-
Mar-2020Whole-molecule disorder of the Schiff base compound 4-chloro-N-(4-nitrobenzylidene)aniline: crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysisLeela, Sundararaman; Subashini, A.; Philip, Reji; Ramamurthi, Kandasamy; Stoeckli-Evans, HelenActa Crystallographica section E, 2020, Vol.76, p417–422
Feb-2020Electrospun polymer nanofibers decorated with Ag/Au nanoparticles — A smart material with enhanced nonlinearityNisha, George; Subha, Radhu; Mary, N.L.; George, Agnes; Simon, RemyaOptik: International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2020, Vol. 204, Article No.164180
24-Feb-2020Pearson correlation coefficient as a measure for certifying and quantifying high-dimensional entanglementJebarathinam, C.; Home, Dipankar; Sinha, UrbasiPhysical Review A, 2020 ,Vol.101, p022112
Jan-2020Broadcasting of entanglement via orthogonal and non-orthogonal state-dependent clonersShukla, Manish Kumar; Chakrabarty, Indranil; Chatterjee, SouravQuantum Information Processing,2020, Vol.19, p18
Jan-2020Fragmentation kinematics of SF6 upon photo–excitation of S(2p) core shell and subsequent Auger decaysSaha, K.; Pandey, A.; Banerjee, S.B.; Bapat, B.Chemical Physics Letters, 2020, Vol.739, Ariticle.137038, p6
28-Jan-2020An all-optical technique enables instantaneous single-shot demodulation of images at high frequencyPanigrahi, Swapnesh; Fade, Julien Fade; Ramachandran, Hema; Alouini, MehdiNature Communications, 2020, Vol. 11, Article.549
7-Nov-2019Thermal phase fluctuations in optically pumped dual-frequency vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers for cesium clocks based on coherent population trappingGredat, Grégory; Liu, H.; Bretenaker, FabienJournal of Applied Physics, 2019, Vol. 126, p173104
1-Jan-2020The triple-slit experimentSinha, UrbasiScientific American,2020, Vol.322, p56
1-Jan-2020Revisiting comparison between entanglement measures for two-qubit pure statesSingh, Ashutosh; Ahamed, Ijaz; Home, Dipankar; Sinha, UrbasiJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 2020, Vol.37, p157
12-Nov-2019Double-slit interferometry as a lossy beam splitterSadana, Simanraj; Sanders, Barry C; Sinha, UrbasiNew Journal of Physics, 2019, Vol.21, p113022
3-Dec-2019Mode Locking of the Hermite-Gaussian Modes of a NanolaserSun, Yifan; Combri´, Sylvain; Bretenaker, Fabien; Rossi, Alfredo DePhysical Review Letters 2019, Vol.123, p233901
28-Oct-2019Phase-sensitive amplification of an optical field using microwavesKarigowda, Asha; Adwaith, K V; Nayak, Pradosh K.; Sanders, Barry C; Bretenaker, Fabien; Narayanan, Andal; Sudha, S.Optics Express, 2019, Vol.27, p31110-32862
18-Oct-2019Broadcasting of quantum correlations in qubit-qudit systemsRounak, Mundra; Chatterjee, Sourav; Patel, Dhrumil; +2 Co-AuthorsPhysical Review A, 2019 ,Vol.100, p042319
Sep-2019Tuning the optical, electrical and thermal properties of l‑arginine maleate dihydrate (LAMD) single crystals for optical limiter applicationsThomas, Prince; Dominic, Priya; Philip, Reji; +5 Co-AuthorsJournal of Materials Science : Materials in Electronics, 2019, Vol.30, p17322–17332
Sep-2019Electron beam induced modifications in third harmonic Process of spray coated Mn: ZnO nanostructuresAntony, Albin; P, Poornesh; Philip, Reji; +6 Co-AuthorsProceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10919, p1091924-1, Oxide-based Materials and Devices X, SPIE OPTO, 2-7 February, 2019, edited by David J. Rogers, David C. Look, Ferechteh H. Teherani
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 587