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Title: Pressure studies on phase transitions in 4-alkoxyphenyl-4’-nitrobenzoyloxybenzoates
Authors: Raja, V.N.
Ratna, B.R.
Shashidhar, R.
Heppke, G.
Bahr, Ch.
Marko, J.F.
Indekeu, J.O.
Nihat, Berker A.
Issue Date: 15-Apr-1989
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review A, 1989, Vol.39, 4341
Abstract: We have studied the effect of high pressure on the phase transitions in the seventh to tenth homologs of 4-alkoxyphenly-4’-nitrobenzoyloxybenzoates (DB.kO.NO2). While pressure does not induce any new phases in k=7 or 8, it has a dramatic effect on k=10: triply reentrant behavior is seen over a narrow range of pressure, the sequence of transitions being the same as that observed in k=9 or DB.9O.NO2 at atmospheric pressure. This is the first instance of pressure-induced multiply reentrant behavior in a single-component system. The observed sensitivity of the multiply reentrant behavior to molecular chain length and pressure is according to the predictions of the frustrated spin-gas model of polar liquid crystals.
ISSN: 1094-1622 (online)
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Copyright: (1989) by the American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (SCM)

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