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Title: Dissecting the broad-band emission from γ-ray blazar PKS 0735 + 178 in search of neutrinos
Authors: Prince, Raj
Das, Saikat
Gupta, Nayantara
Majumdar, Pratik
Czerny, Bozena
Keywords: radiation mechanisms
non-thermal –galaxies
active –galaxies
BL Lacertae objects
PKS 0735 + 178 –galaxies
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society
Citation: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, Vol.527, p8746-8754
Abstract: The origin of the diffuse flux of TeV–PeV astrophysical neutrinos is still unknown. The γ-ray blazar PKS 0735 + 178, located outside the 90 percent localization region at 2.2 ◦from the best-fitting IC-211208A event, was found to be flaring across all wavebands. In addition to leptonic synchrotron (SYN) and SYN self-Compton (SSC) emission, we invoke photohadronic ( p γ) interactions inside the jet to model the spectral energy distribution (SED) and neutrino emission. We analyse the 100 d γ-ray and X-ray data and 10 d around the neutrino event is chosen to generate the broad-band SED. The temporal light curve indicates that the source was in a high state in optical, UV, γ-ray, and X-ray frequencies during the neutrino detection epoch. In the one-zone lepto-hadronic model, the SSC photons do not provide enough seed photons for p γinteractions to explain the neutrino e vent. Ho we ver, including an external photon field yields a neutrino event rate of 0.12 in 100 d, for the IceCube detector, using physically moti v ated v alues of the magnetic field, an external photon field peaking at optical wavelength, and other jet parameters. The radiation from secondary electrons at X-ray energies severely constrains the neutrino flux to a lower value than found in previous studies. Moreo v er, the flux of high-energy γ-rays at GeV energies from the decay of neutral pions is sub-dominant at the high-energy peak of the SED, suggesting a higher correlation of neutrinos flux with X-ray flux is plausible.
Description: Open Access
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Copyright: 2023, The Author(s)
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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