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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jan-2014Fermi TransportSamuel, J.Resonance, 2014, Vol.19, p 62-72
May-2005Of connections and fields - II. Chern's mathematical ideas in physicsSamuel, J.Resonance, 2005, May. Vol.10, p54-61.
Apr-2005Of connections and fields - I. Chern's mathematical ideas in physicsSamuel, J.Resonance, 2005, April, Vol.10, p10-21.
10-Jan-2000The amoral scientists - The tragedy of HiroshimaMurthy, M.V.N.; Shankar, R.; Rao, Madan; Samuel, J.; Sitaram, AlladiCurrent Science, 2000, Vol.78, p19-22.
Jun-2007Can you see air?Narayanan, Andal; Samuel, J.; Sinha, SupurnaResonance, 2007, Vol.12 (June), p71-75
Nov-2006Impact of Riemann's Work on PhysicsSamuel, J.Resonance, 2006, Vol.11, p5
Nov-2006Impact of Riemann's Work on PhysicsSamuel, J.Resonance, Nov 2006, Vol.11, p.5
25-Nov-20202020 Nobel Prize for Physics: Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secretSamuel, J.Current Science, Vol. 119, No. 10, 25 November 2020, p1598
Dec-1995Torches, Clocks, Mirrors and the Lorentz transformationSamuel, J.Physics Education, 1995 , Vol.11, p.402
Nov-2006Riemann and theoretical physicsSamuel, J.Resonance, 2006, Nov, Vol.11, p56