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Results 1-10 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Oct-2004Taylor the sailorRadhakrishnan, V.Resonance, 2004, Oct. Vol. 9, p10-18.
25-Sep-1997From square sails to wing sails: The physics of sailing craftRadhakrishnan, V.Current Science, 1997, Vol. 73, p503-516.
25-May-1998Locomotion: Dealing with frictionRadhakrishnan, V.Current Science, 1998, Vol. 74, p826-840.
10-Sep-2002Robert Hanbury Brown - ObituaryRadhakrishnan, V.Physics Today, 2002, Vol.55, p75-76.; Reprinted in Current Science, 2002, Vol. 83, p654-655.
1958Phase detectors: their application in radiometersRadhakrishnan, V.Internal Report, No.15
Nov-1958A radiometer for the Hydrogen LineHoglund, B.; Radhakrishnan, V.Report , The Research laboratory of Electronics, N0.48, Nov 1958
1958A manual of instructions for the successful operationRadhakrishnan, V.Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden
Dec-2006Olof Rydbeck and early Swedish radio astronomy: A personal perspectiveRadhakrishnan, V.Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 2006, Vol.9, p139 - 144
1995John Gatenby BoltonWild, J.P.; Radhakrishnan, V.Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1995, Vol.41, p73-86
1982M.K. Vainu Bappu (1927-1982)Radhakrishnan, V.Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1982, Vol.3, p217-218