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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
25-Nov-20202020 Nobel Prize for Physics: Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secretSamuel, J.Current Science, Vol. 119, No. 10, 25 November 2020, p1598
3-Dec-2020Obituary: Hema RamachandranMujumdar, SushilTIFR News, 3 December 2020
15-Feb-2020IIA, RRI Scientists Find That Energy From Solar Flares Is Fragmented Over Space & Time-Indus Dictum , 15 february 2020
10-Dec-2020Book Review: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019. Edited By S. M. Faber, Ewine van Dishoeck and Robert C. KennicuttNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2020, Vol.119, No.11, p.1855
25-Dec-2020Hema Ramachandran (1962–2020)Narayanan, Andal; Nityananda, R.Current Science, Vol. 119, No. 12, 25 December 2020,p 2028
1-Oct-2020Obituary: Umpire Sadashiva Nidhan-Prjavani, 1st October 2020
28-Dec-2020Obituary : B.K. Sadashiva, FNA, 6th December 1946–30th September 2020Krishna Prasad, S.Liquid Crystals, 28 December 2020