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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
16-Mar-1978World meet on Raman's spectroscopy in city--
1998Meet Dr. S. RamaseshanSachitanand, N. N.-
31-Jan-2015Sankuchit chehareyinda gandhige bekide Mukti-Prajavani, 31st January 2015
31-Jan-2015Liberate Gandhi from Gandhians-Deccan Herald, 31 January 2015, p
22-Feb-2019City college research scholars develop low-cost radio telescope-The Hindu, 22 February 2019
25-Feb-2019Baala Vijanigalige " C V Raman" Prashasti-Prajavani, 28th February 2019, p3
1-Oct-2020Obituary: Umpire Sadashiva Nidhan-Prjavani, 1st October 2020