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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
3-Mar-1986Order and chaos in fluid flowsNarasimha, R.Raman Memorial Lecture IV, 1986
28-Mar-1981Democracy, development and social justiceVerghese, B.G.; Kothari, Rajni; Krishna, RajVikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture VII, 1981
24-Aug-1987Surgery and IndiaValiathan, M.S.Sir A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar Endowment lectures, 1987
19-Feb-1982Technoloy and DevelopmentLha, J.K.Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture VIII, 1975
30-Sep-1987The Ideal of Human Unity and the North-South DialoguePalkhivala, Nani A.J N Tata Lecture XII, 1987.
23-Jan-1981Reflections on Science and TechnologyAbdus Salam, N.L.Zaheer science Foundation Lecture, 1980.
10-May-1988Energy prospects - a challenge to Indian Science and TechnologyHiten, BhayaSri Vithal N Chandavarkar Memorial Lecture ix, 1998
10-Mar-1988Energy prospects - A challenge to Indian science and technologyBhaya, HitenSir Vithal N. Chandavarkar Memorial Lecture
1987Economic growth and innovative entrepreneurship in rural development: issues in rural energyRamachandra, S.G.Bhaikaka Memorial Lecture XII, 1987.
4-Nov-1988Borderless Science: the need , the challenge and the way aheadMashelkar, R.A.Convocation address III, 1988