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dc.contributor.authorRaman, C.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKrishnan, K.S.-
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1925, Vol.38, p350-353en
dc.descriptionOpen Access. Scanned from Vol.3 of Scientific Papers of C.V. Raman. Ed. by S. Ramaseshan. Published in 1988 by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.en
dc.description.abstractThe diffraction of light inside the shadow, thrown by a small source of light, of a sphere and a circular disc of the same diameter, was studied, with special reference to the relative intensities of the central bright spots. With the source at about 2 metres from the obstacles, with a quarter-inch polished steel ball, the bright spot could be detected visually up to 3 cm. behind the obstacle, while with a steel disc of the same diameter, with the edges perfectly sharp, smooth and circular, the spot could be traced up to 2 cm. The relative intensities of the two spots were studied at different distances behind the obstacles, qualitatively by photography and quantitatively by visual photometry. At small distances behind the obstacles, the spot inside the shadow of the sphere is much feebler than the disc-spot, however approximating to the latter as we reach farther back from the obstacles, but even at 100 cm. remaining appreciably feebler. A general explanation is suggested.en
dc.format.extent255317 bytes-
dc.publisherIOP Publishing Limiteden
dc.rights1925 IOP Publishing Ltd.en
dc.titleOn the diffraction of light by spherical obstaclesen
Appears in Collections:C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.3. Optics

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