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Title: Diffraction of light by a transparent lamina
Authors: Raman, C.V.
Ramakrishna Rao, I.
Issue Date: 1926
Publisher: IOP Publishing Limited
Citation: Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1926, Vol.39, p453-457
Abstract: The present Paper embodies an attempt to consider the problem of diffraction of light by a very thin plate of transparent material, bounded by a straight edge, with greater exactness than is attained in the usual elementary treatment on the Fresnel-Huygen principle. The method adopted, though not completely rigorous, bases itself on the electromagnetic theory of light, and seeks to express the disturbance in the field in the form of functions which are solutions of the equations of wave-propagation. The formulæ obtained indicate that the light diffracted by the edge should exhibit colour and polarization effects varying in a remarkable manner with the thickness of the plate and the direction of observation. Effects having the general character of those indicated by the theory have actually been observed in experiment. The theory, however, requires modification in the case of thicker laminæ, where further complications arise which are not here taken account of.
Description: Open Access. Scanned from Vol.3 of Scientific Papers of C.V. Raman. Ed. by S. Ramaseshan. Published in 1988 by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
ISSN: 0370-1328
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Copyright: 1926 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.3. Optics

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