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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1985Enhanced smectic A mesophase in mixtures of two terminally polar compoundsRaghunathan, V.A.; Urs, Subramanya Raj M.; Madhusudana, N.V.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1985, Vol.131, p9-19
25-May-1990Propagating electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals under DC excitationRaghunathan, V.A.; Maheswara Murthy, P.R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Current Science, 1990, Vol. 59, p506-508.
Mar-1987Flexoelectric origin of oblique-roll electrohydrodynamic instability in nematicsMadhusudana, N.V.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Sumathy, K.R.Pramana, 1987, Vol. 28, pL311-L1316.
Aug-1988Flexoelectric origin of oblique rolls with helical flow in electroconvective nematics under DC excitation.Raghunathan, V.A.; Madhusudana, N.V.Pramana, 1988, Vol. 31, pL163-L167.
Apr-1984Induction of smectic C phase in binary mixtures of compounds with cyano end groupsMadhusudana, N.V.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Urs, Subramanya Raj M.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1984, Vol.106, p161-168
1989A new threshold flexoelectric instability in nematic liquid crystalsRaghunathan, V.A.; Madhusudana, N.V.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters, 1989, Vol.6, p103-111
Jul-1987Bend and splay elastic constants of a discotic nematicRaghunathan, V.A.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Destrade, C.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1987, Vol.148 , p77- 83
1988Influence of flexoelectricity on electrohydrodynamic instabilities in nematics under AC fieldsMadhusudana, N.V.; Raghunathan, V.A.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters, 1988, Vol.5, p201-209
May-1992EHD instability of a nematic under a transverse electric fieldRaghunathan, V.A.; Maheswara Murthy, P.R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Proceedings of the workshop on Pattern Formation in Complex Dissipative Systems: Fluid Patterns, Liquid Crystals, Chemical Reactions, Kitakyushu, Japan, 18-20 September, World Scientific , 1991, p255-262
1993Experimental determination of the flexoelectric coefficients of some nematic liquid crystalsMaheswara Murthy, P.R.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Madhusudana, N.V.Liquid Crystals, 1993, Vol.14, p483 - 496