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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jan-2021Quantifying the destructuring of a thixotropic colloidal suspension using falling ball viscometryBiswas, Rajkumar; Saha, Debasish; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniPhysics of Fluids, 2021, Vol 33, p 013103-1 - 013103-9
Dec-2020Influence of particle size on the thermoresponsive and rheological properties of aqueous poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) colloidal suspensionsMisra, Chandeshwar; Behera, Sanjay Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniBulletin of Materials Science, 2020, Vol. 4, p53-73.
Dec-2020The Intriguing Flow Behavior of Soft MaterialsBandyopadhyay, RanjiniInterwoven: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Navrachana University, 2020,Vol. 3, Iss. 2, p1
Dec-2021Soft matter research in IndiaBandyopadhyay, Ranjini; Horbach, JurgenJournal of Physics : Condensed Matter, 2022, Vol.34, Article No.-090402
Nov-2021DC field coupled evaporation of a sessile gold nanofluid dropletZaibudeen, A.W.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniSoft Matter, 2021, Vol.17, p10294-10300
Aug-2021Emergent patterns and stable interfaces during radial displacement of a viscoelastic fluidPalak; Sathyanath, Rahul; Kalpathy, Sreeram K.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniColloids and Surfaces -A, 2021, Vol.629, Article -127405
14-Sep-2021Influence of medium structure on the physicochemical properties of aging colloidal dispersions investigated using the synthetic clay LAPONITEMisra, Chandeshwar; Ranganathan, Venketesh T.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniSoft Matter, 2021, Vol. 17, p9387
Aug-2022Correlating the drying kinetics and dried morphologies of aqueous colloidal gold droplets of different particle concentrationsZaibudeen, A.W.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniColloids and Surfaces A, 2022, Vol. 646, Article No. 128982
Jul-2022Pattern selection in radial displacements of a confined aging viscoelastic fluidPalak; Parmar, Vaibhav Raj Singh; Saha, Debasish; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniJCIS Open, 2022, Vol. 6, Article No. 100047
15-Sep-2022Formation and development of distinct deposit patterns by drying Polyelectrolyte-stabilized colloidal droplets at different surfactant concentrationsZaibudeen, A.W.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, Vol. 367, p120355