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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
4-Aug-2009Synthesis and characterization of bent-shaped azobenzene monomers: Guest-host effects in liquid crystals with azo dyes for optical image storage devicesRahman, Md Lutfor; Hegde, Gurumurthy; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, Carsten; Chigrinov, V.G.Optical Materials, 2009, Vol.32, p176
Aug-2003Viscoelastic modes in chiral liquid crystalsSuresh, K.A.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p297-312.
Apr-2006The effects of a laser field on phase transitions in liquid crystalsAgarwal, Amit K.; Ranganath, G.S.Phase Transitions, 2006, Vol.79, p261-275
Sep-2006Slow dynamics, aging, and glassy rheology in soft and living matterBandyopadhyay, Ranjini; Liang, Dennis; Harden, James L.; Leheny, Robert L.Solid State Communications , 2006, Vol.139, p589-598
2001Optical spatial solitons in liquid crystalsSrivatsa, S.K.; Ranganath, G.S.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2001, Vol.366, p337-358
Jun-2000New nonlinear optical processes in liquid crystalsSrivatsa, S.K.; Ranganath, G.S.Optics Communications, 2000, Vol.180, p349-359
30-Jun-2006Phase behaviour of lipid–cholesterol membranesKarmakar, Sanat; Sarangi, B.R.; Raghunathan, V.A.Solid State Communications, 2006, Vol.139, p630-634
2004A low-molar-mass, monodispersive, bent-rod dimer exhibiting biaxial nematic and smectic a phasesChannabasaveshwar, V.; Prasad, Y.S.K.; Nair, Geetha G.; Shashikala, I.S.; Shankar Rao, D.S.; Lobo, C.V.; Chandrasekhar, S.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2004, Vol.43, p3429
Jun-2008Physical characterisation of 4'-butyl-4-heptyl-bicyclohexyl-4-carbonitrileDhara, Surajit; Madhusudana, N.V.Phase Transitions, 2008, Vol.81, p561
Sep-2008Synthesis of liquid crystalline materials based on 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene and 2,4,6-triphenyl-1,3,5-s-triazineKotha, Sambasivarao; Kashinath, Dhurke; Kumar, SandeepTetrahedron Letters, 2008, Vol.49, p5419