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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Mar-2007Tuning cellular elasticity by strain hardeningFernandez, Pablo; Pullarkat, Pramod A.; Ott, AlbrechtEuropean Journal of Cell Biology, 2007, Vol.86, Supp.57, p13
2007Shear rheology of a cell monolayerFernandez, Pablo; Heymann, Lutz; Ott, Albrecht; Aksel, Nuri; Pullarkat, Pramod A.New Journal of Physics, 2007, Vol.9, p1
2007Rheological properties of the Eukaryotic cell cytoskeletonPullarkat, Pramod A.; Fernandez, Pablo; Ott, AlbrechtPhysics Reports, 2007, Vol.449, p29 – 53