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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
13-Aug-2009Method to display gray shades in RMS responding matrix displayRuckmongathan, T.N.US Patent US2009201241 (A1), 2009; US Patent US8081179 (B2) , 2011; WIPO Patents WO2009098705 (A1) ,2009
Mar-2009Scanning Matrix Displays With WaveletsRuckmongathan, T.N.Journal of Display Technology, 2009, Vol. 5(3), p86-93
Jul-2009Discrete cosine transform for driving liquid crystal displaysRuckmongathan, T.N.Journal of Display Technology, 2009, Vol. 5, p243
2009A method to achieve uniform gray scale to gray scale response times in LCDsRuckmongathan, T.N.SID Digest, proceeding of the SID symposim, 2009, Vol.40, p1584
Feb-2009Low power techniques for gray shades in liquid crystal displaysRuckmongathan, T.N.Journal of Display Technology, 2009, Vol. 5(2), p49-56
Nov-2009Methods to reduce power dissipation and supply voltage of LCD driversThirunarayanan, Raghavasimhan; Ruckmongathan, T.N.Journal of the SID, 2009, Vol.17, p897