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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2004Liquid crystal display for an automobile dashboardShashidhara, A.R.; Deepak, G.; Manjunath, B.S.; Murthy, Arjun; Ruckmongathan, T.N.Photonics, 2004, p1-8.
Jul-2006Reducing power consumption in liquid-crystal displaysRuckmongathan, T.N.; Govind, M.; Deepak, G.IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 2006, Vol.53 p1559-1566
Mar-2005Binary addressing technique with duty cycle control for LCDsRuckmongathan, T.N.; Govind, M.; Ashoka, S.V.; Deepak, G.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2005, Vol. 52, p345-351.