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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1969The evaluation of some piezo-rotatory coefficients of α-quartzRanganath, G.S.; Ramaseshan, S.Current Science, 1969, Vol. 38, p303
1969Piezo-optic phenomenaRamaseshan, S.; Ranganath, G.S.Physics of the Solid State (Book Chapter), 1969, p427
Sep-1969Piezo-rotatory coefficients and crystal symmetryRanganath, G.S.; Ramaseshan, S.Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1969, Vol.59, p1229
1969Piezo-absorption coefficients of weakly and strongly absorbing crystalRamaseshan, S.; Ranganath, G.S.; Ramesh, T.G.; Rajagopalan, S.R.Material Research Bulletin, 1969, Vol. 4, p535-544
1969Piezo-rotatory coefficients and stress-induced optical activityRanganath, G.S.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1969, Vol. 70, p275


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