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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
19-Mar-2004Relationship between the unbinding and main transition temperatures of phospholipid bilayers under pressure.Harroun, T.A.; Nieh, M.P.; Watson, M.J.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Pabst, G.; Morrow, M.Physical Review E, 2004, Vol.69, 031906-
20-Dec-2004Finite-size effects in biomimetic smectic filmsHarroun, T.A.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Pencer, J.; Nieh, M.P.; Katsaras, J.Physical Review E, 2004, Vol.70, 062902-062907
2004Spontaneously formed monodisperse biomimetic unilamellar vesicles: the effect of charge, dilution, and timeNieh, M.P.; Harroun, T.A.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Glinka, C.J.; Katsaras, J.Biophysical Journal, 2004, Vol.86, p2615-2629
2003Concentration-independent spontaneously forming biomimetric vesiclesNieh, M.P.; Harroun, T.A.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Glinka, C.J.; Katsaras, J.Physical Review Letters, 2003, Vol.91, 158105-158108
12-May-2005Comprehensive examination of mesophases formed by DMPC and DHPC mixturesHarroun, T.A.; Koslowsky, Martin; Nieh, M.P.; de Lannoy, C.F.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Katsaras, J.Langmuir, 2005, Vol. 21, p5356-5361
17-Jun-2005Spontaneously formed unilamellar vesicles with path-dependent size distributionNieh, M.P.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kline, Steve R.; Harroun, T.A.; Huang, Chien-Yueh; Pencer, J.; Katsaras, J.Langmuir, 2005, Vol. 21, p6656-6661
10-Jan-2005Structural phase behavior of high-concentration, alignable biomimetic bicelle mixturesNieh, M.P.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Glinka, C.J.; Harroun, T.A.; Katsaras, J.Macromolecular Symposia, 2005, Vol.219, p135-145
2004Finite-size effects do not reduce the repeat spacing of phospholipid multibilayer stacks on a rigid substrateHarroun, T.A.; Koslowsky, Martin; Nieh, M.P.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Katsaras, J.European Physical Journal E, 2004, Vol.13, p359-362
2003Highly aligned lamellar lipid domains induced by macroscopic confinementNieh, M.P.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Wang, H.; Katsaras, J.Langmuir; (Research Article); 2003; 19(17); 6936-6941
2004Magnetically alignable phase of phospholipid "Bicelle" mixtures Is a chiral nematic made up of wormlike micellesNieh, M.P.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Glinka, C.J.; Harroun, T.A.; Pabst, G.; Katsaras, J.Langmuir, 2004, Vol.20, p7893-7897.