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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
10-Nov-1997A three-dimensionally modulated structure in a chiral smectic-C liquid crystalPullarkat, Pramod A.; Pratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Current Science, 1997, Vol. 73, p761-765.
10-Mar-1992Unusual growth of smectic A liquid crystalsPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Current Science, 1992, Vol. 62, p419-422.
Aug-2003On some liquid crystalline phases exhibited by compounds made of bent-core molecules and their mixtures with rod-like moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p405-415.
1982High strength defects in nematic liquid crystalsMadhusudana, N.V.; Pratibha, R.Current Science, 1982, Vol. 51, p877-881.
2002Phase transitions in liquid crystals under negative pressuresManjuladevi, V.; Pratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Physical Review Letters, 2002, Vol.88, 055701-4
2005Two-dimensionally periodic phases in mixtures of compounds made of rodlike and bent-core moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Physical Review E, 2005, Vol.71, 011701
1992Cylindrical growth of smectic A liquid crystals from the isotropic phase in some binary mixturesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Journal de Physique II, 1992, Vol.2, p383-400
2001Induction of B1, B6 and biaxial smectic A phases in binary mixtures of compounds with rod-like and bent-core moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2001, Vol.365, p755-776
Dec-1983Studies on high strength defects in nematic liquid crystalsMadhusudana, N.V.; Pratibha, R.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1983, Vol.103, p31-47
2005Selective imaging of 3D director fields and study of defects in biaxial smectic A liquid crystalsSmalyukh, I.I.; Pratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Lavrentovich, O.D.The European Physical Journal E, 2005, Vol.16, p179-191