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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Mar-2014Nanoparticles in the supramolecular order of discotic liquid crystalsKumar, SandeepInvited Lecture in Liquid Crystals, 2014, Vol.41, p 353-367
Mar-2018Recent advances in discotic liquid crystal-assisted nanoparticles.Gowda, Ashwathanarayana; Kumar, SandeepMaterials, 2018, Vol. 11, P 382
Dec-2017Discotic liquid crystals derived from polycyclic aromatic cores: from the smallest benzene to the utmost graphene cores.Gowda, Ashwathanarayana; Kumar, Manish; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2017, Vol.44, p 1990-2017
2-Nov-2009Hybrid organic/inorganic nanocomposite as a quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor under ambient conditionsSuresh Kumar, P.; Kumar, Sandeep; Lakshminarayanan, V.Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, Vol.106, p093701
5-Apr-2024Effect of doping of organo-soluble carbon dots on ionic relaxation and conductivity of planar anchored cyanobiphenyl based nematic liquid crystalP, Priscilla; Singh, Ashwani Kumar; Malik, Praveen; Kumar, Sandeep; Supreet; Gathania, Arvind K.; Prakash, Jai; Castagna, Riccardo; Lucchetta, Daniele Eugenio; Malik, Poonma; Singh, GautamJournal of Molecular Structure, 2024, Vol. 1301, p137403
16-Jan-2024Gold nanoparticles doped organic liquid crystalline material for fast charge migration in nano-devicesKhare, Akanksha; Uttam, Rahul; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2024, Vol.51, No.3
18-Jan-2024Nematic liquid crystal dispersed with twodimensional functionalised graphene oxide (fGO): insights on improving the nematic ordering and reducing electro-optic response timeSahai, Mudit; S. J., Shivaraja; Kumar, Sandeep; Gupta, R. K.; V, ManjuladeviLiquid Crystals, 2024, p1-15