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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jan-2016Tuning phase retardation behaviour of nematic liquid crystal using quantum dotGupta, Swadesh Kumar; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Manohar, Rajiv; Kumar, SandeepCurrent Applied Physics, 2016, Vol. 16, p79-82
Mar-2016Bulk heterojunction solar cells based on self-assembling disc-shaped liquid crystalline materialBajpai, Manisha; Yadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Srivastava, Ritu; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2016, Vol.43, p 305-313
19-Feb-2016Tailoring of cholesteric plane spacing, dielectric relaxation and optical properties of high temperature chiral nematic phase by UV irradiationSingh, Dharmendra Pratap; Vimal, Tripti; Gupta, Swadesh Kumar; Varia, M.C.; Kumar, Sandeep; +3 Co-authorsMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2016, Vol. 625, p1-10
Apr-2016Supramolecular Nanocomposites: Dispersion of zero-, one- and two-dimensional nanoparticles in discotic liquid crystals.Kumar, SandeepJournal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016, Vol. 704, p012022
8-Oct-2015Synthesis of new U-shaped azobenzene liquid crystals for photoswitching properties.Rahman, Md Lutfor; Sarkar, Shaheen M; Yusoff, Mashitah Mohd; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenRSC Advances, 2015, Vol. 5, P 87019-29
10-May-2016Gold nanoparticles in plastic columnar discotic liquid crystalline materialMishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraThermochimica Acta, 2016, Vol. 631, p 59-70
May-2016Self-assembly of silver and gold nanoparticles in a metal-free Phthalocyanine liquid crystalline matrix: structural, thermal, electrical and nonlinear optical characterizationGowda, Ashwathanarayana; Kumar, Manish; Thomas, Anitta Rose; Philip, Reji; Kumar, SandeepChemistrySelect, 2016, Vol. 1, p 1361-1370
Dec-2015Dye-sensitised solar cells with iodine-free discotic electrolytesSelvaraj, Ananda Rama Krishnan; Lakshminarayanan, V.; Dhar, Ravindra; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2015, Vol.42, p 1815-1822
Apr-2016Fast response in TN liquid-crystal cells: effect of functionalised carbon nanotubesKumar, Jitendra; Manjuladevi, V.; Gupta, Raj Kumar; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2016, Vol.43, p 488-496
Sep-2015Cadmium selenide quantum dots for the amelioration of the properties of a room temperature discotic liquid crystalline materialYadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraRSC Advances, 2015, Vol. 5, P 78823-32