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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Apr-2006Microwave-assisted facile synthesis of liquid-crystalline alkoxycyanobiphenyls and their dimersBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepPhase Transitions, 2006, Vol.79, p285-292
Feb-2007Aligned carbon nanotubes in the supramolecular order of discotic liquid crystalsKumar, Sandeep; Bisoyi, Hari KrishnaAngewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, Vol.46, p1501-1503
Jul-2007Synthesis of monohydroxy-functionalized triphenylene discotics: green chemistry approachPal, Santanu Kumar; Bisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepTetrahedron, 2007, Vol.63, p6874-6878
Jun-2007Microwave-assisted synthesis of rufigallol and its novel room-temperature liquid crystalline derivativesBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepTetrahedron Letters, 2007, Vol.48, p4399-4402
2008Microwave-assisted facile synthesis of liquid crystalline non-symmetrical hexaalkoxytriphenylenes containing a branched chain and their characterizationBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepJournal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008, Vol.21, p47
Jan-2008Green chemistry approach to the synthesis of liquid crystalline materialsKumar, Sandeep; Bisoyi, Hari Krishna; Pal, Santanu KumarMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2008, Vol.480, p287. Paper presented at the International Liquid Crystal Conference 2006, Colorado, USA.
7-Oct-2009Novel banana-discotic hybrid architecturesBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, SandeepBeilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009, Vol.5, p1
14-Oct-2009A nanophase segregated mesophase morphology in self-organized novel disc-rod oligomesogensBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kumar, SandeepChemical Communications, 2009, Vol.45, p7003
May-2008Carbon nanotubes in triphenylene and rufigallol-based room temperature monomeric and polymeric discotic liquid crystalsBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepJournal of Materials Chemistry, 2008, Vol.18, p3032
17-Jul-2008Room-temperature electron-deficient discotic liquid crystals: facile synthesis and mesophase characterizationBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Kumar, SandeepNew Journal of Chemistry, 2008, Vol.32, p1974