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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jan-2016Tuning phase retardation behaviour of nematic liquid crystal using quantum dotGupta, Swadesh Kumar; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Manohar, Rajiv; Kumar, SandeepCurrent Applied Physics, 2016, Vol. 16, p79-82
19-Feb-2016Tailoring of cholesteric plane spacing, dielectric relaxation and optical properties of high temperature chiral nematic phase by UV irradiationSingh, Dharmendra Pratap; Vimal, Tripti; Gupta, Swadesh Kumar; Varia, M.C.; Kumar, Sandeep; +3 Co-authorsMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2016, Vol. 625, p1-10
May-2013CdSe quantum dot-dispersed DOBAMBC : an electro-optical studyGupta, Swadesh Kumar; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Varia, Mahesh; Sagar, Laxmi K.; Kumar, Sandeep; + 2 Co-AuthorsLiquid Crystals, 2013, Vol. 40, p 528-533
May-2013High-temperature chiral nematic phase in naphthalene and cholesterol derivative liquid crystal: characterisation and dielectric relaxation studySingh, Dharmendra Pratap; Varia, M.C.; Gupta, S.K.; Sagar, Laxmi K.; Kumar, Sandeep; Yadav, Satya P.; Manohar, RajivPhysics and chemistry of Liquids, 2013, Vol. 51, p663-676
Jul-2017CdTe quantum dot dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystal: Transient memory with faster optical response and quenching of photoluminescencePandey, Shivani; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Kumar, Sandeep; +4 Co-authorsJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, Vol. 237, P 71-80
20-Jun-2018Charge Transport in Novel Phenazine Fused Triphenylene Supramolecular SystemsGowda, Ashwathanarayana; Jacob, Litwin; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Douali, Redouane; Kumar, SandeepChemistry Select, 2018, Vol.3, p6551 – 6560
Sep-2014Reduced ionic contaminations in CdSe quantum dot dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystal and its applications.Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Gupta, S.K.; Tripathi, Prachi; Varia, M.C.; Kumar, Sandeep; Manohar, RajivLiquid Crystals, 2014, Vol.41, p 1356-1365
21-Jul-2014Effect of cadmium selenide quantum dots on the dielectric and physical parameters of ferroelectric liquid crystalSingh, Dharmendra Pratap; Gupta, S.K.; Manohar, Rajiv; Varia, M.C.; Kumar, Sandeep; Kumar, A.Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, Vol. 116, 034106
Sep-2021Molecular ordering dependent charge transport in π-stacked triphenylene based discotic liquid crystals and its correlation with dielectric propertiesShah, Asmita; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Duponchel, Benoit; Krasisnski, Freddy; Daoudi, Abdelylah; Kumar, Sandeep; Douali, RedouaneJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, Vol. 342, Article Number - 117353
Sep-2021Ambipolar Charge Transport Properties of Naphthophenanthridine Discotic Liquid CrystalsVadivel, Marichandran; Singh, Singh; Singh, Dharmendra Pratap; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kumar, SandeepThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, Vol.125, p10364-10372