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Results 61-70 of 81 (Search time: 0.048 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1983Experimental studies of the re-entrant phenomenon in liquid crystals.Chandrasekhar, S.; Venkatachala Rao, K.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1983.
1981High pressure studies of liquid crystals.Chandrasekhar, S.; Venkatesh, G.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1981.
2001Synthesis and physical properties of compounds exhibiting ferro-, ferri- anti-ferroelectric and twist grain boundary phases.Sadashiva, B.K.; Shubashree, S.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 2001.
Jul-2010Experimental studies of the jamming behaviour of triblock copolymer solutions and triblock copolymer-anionic surfactant mixturesBasak, R.; Mukhopadhyay, N.; Bandyopadhyay, RanjiniEuropean Physical Journal E, 2010, Vol.34, p103
1977Electric and magnetic field effects in liquid crystals.Chandrasekhar, S.; Karat, P.P.Ph.D. Thesis, Mysore University, Mysore, 1977.
1997Synthesis and physical properties of some mesogenic chiral polysiloxanes.Sadashiva, B.K.; Gopalakrishnan, C.R.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1997.
1992Experimental studies of physical properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals.Chandrasekhar, S.; Khened, S.M.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1992.
1993Some electric and magnetic field effects in liquid crystals.Madhusudana, N.V.; Maheswara Murthy, P.R.Ph.D. Thesis, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1993.
2000Investigations on the ripple phase of phosholipids.Raghunathan, V.A.; Sengupta, KheyaPh.D. Thesis Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2000.
1984Studies on the surface properties of liquid crystals.Chandrasekhar, S.; Krishnaswamy, S.Ph.D. Thesis, Mysore University, Mysore, 1984.