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Results 311-320 of 396 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Oct-2009Tunable optical metamaterial based on liquid crystal-gold nanosphere compositePratibha, R.; Park, K.; Smalyukh, I.I.; Park, W.Optics Express, 2009, Vol.17, p19459
7-Oct-2009Novel banana-discotic hybrid architecturesBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Srinivasa, H.T.; Kumar, SandeepBeilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009, Vol.5, p1
14-Oct-2009A nanophase segregated mesophase morphology in self-organized novel disc-rod oligomesogensBisoyi, Hari Krishna; Raghunathan, V.A.; Kumar, SandeepChemical Communications, 2009, Vol.45, p7003
31-Oct-2009Effect of ceramide on nonraft proteinsPabst, G.; Boulgaropoulos, Beate; Gander, Edgar; Sarangi, B.R.; Raghunathan, V.A.; Laggner, PeterJournal of Membrane Biology, 2009, Vol.231, p125
May-2008Thermodynamic, optical and dielectric studies of the homologous members of columnar discotic compound Rufigallol hexa-n-alkoxylatesDhar, R.; Kumar, Sandeep; Gupta, Meenal; Agrawal, V.K.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2008, Vol.141, p19
Nov-2009Methods to reduce power dissipation and supply voltage of LCD driversThirunarayanan, Raghavasimhan; Ruckmongathan, T.N.Journal of the SID, 2009, Vol.17, p897
2000Non-linear optical effects in liquid crystalsRanganath, G.S.; Srivatsa, S.K.Ph.D. Thesis Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2000.
Jul-2007On the propensity of phosphatidylglycerols to form interdigitated phasesPabst, G.; Danner, Sabine; Karmakar, Sanat; Deutsch, Gunter; Raghunathan, V.A.Biophysical Journal, 2007, Vol.93, p513
Apr-2007Distinct levels in the nanoscale organization of DNA-histone complex revealed by its mechanical unfoldingSoni, G.V.; Brar, Loveleen; Hameed, F.M.; Raychaudhuri, A.K.; Shivashankar, G.V.Applied Physics Letters, 2007, Vol.90, p163904
Oct-2007Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of banana-shaped monomers containing 2,7-naphthalene as central coreRahman, Md Lutfor; Asik, Jahimin; Kumar, Sandeep; Tschierske, CarstenElectronic Liquid Crystal Communications, October 23 2007