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Results 21-30 of 396 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Aug-2003Structures of some surfactant-polyelectrolyte complexesKrishnaswamy, Rema; Raghunathan, V.A.; Sood, A.K.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p447-454.
Aug-2003On some liquid crystalline phases exhibited by compounds made of bent-core molecules and their mixtures with rod-like moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Pramana, 2003, Vol. 61, p405-415.
2004Gray shades in LCDs using amplitude modulationGovind, M.; Ruckmongathan, T.N.Photonics, 2004, p1-12.
2004Liquid crystal display for an automobile dashboardShashidhara, A.R.; Deepak, G.; Manjunath, B.S.; Murthy, Arjun; Ruckmongathan, T.N.Photonics, 2004, p1-8.
2002Phase transitions in liquid crystals under negative pressuresManjuladevi, V.; Pratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.Physical Review Letters, 2002, Vol.88, 055701-4
2002Enhancement of steric repulsion with temperature in oriented lipid multilayersPabst, G.; Katsaras, J.; Raghunathan, V.A.Physical Review Letters, 2002, Vol.88, 128101-04
2001Role of tilt order in the asymmetric ripple phase of phospholipid bilayersSengupta, Kheya; Raghunathan, V.A.; Hatwalne, YashodhanPhysical Review Letters, 2001, Vol.87, 055705-055708
20-Sep-2004Probing collective dynamics of active particles using modulation force spectroscopySoni, G.V.; Ananthakrishna, G.; Shivashankar, G.V.Applied Physics Letters, 2004, Vol.85, p2414-2416.
29-Sep-2003Structure of the ripple phase of phospholipid multibilayersSengupta, Kheya; Raghunathan, V.A.; Katsaras, J.Physical Review E, 2003, Vol.68, 031710
25-Jun-2003Polar head group interactions in mixed Langmuir monolayersViswanath, P.; Suresh, K.A.Physical Review E, 2003, Vol.67, 061604-11