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Results 211-220 of 268 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jul-1993Pulsed NMR study of molecular motions and phase transitions in [N(CH3)4]PbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I)Vijayaraghavan, D.; Ramakrishna, J.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 1993, Vol. 49. p1121-1129
1993Highly multiplexed dot matrix LCD suitable for wide temperature rangeMuraji, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Ruckmongathan, T.N.; Sigeno, K.; Ohara, K.SAE technical papers 930546, 1993, p51-57
1993Novel addressing methods for fast responding LCDsRuckmongathan, T.N.Asahi garasu kenkyu hokoku, (Reports of the Research Lab. Asahi Glass Company)1993, Vol.43, No. 1, p65-87.
1996Method of driving display element and its driving deviceKuwata, Takeshi; Ruckmongathan, T.N.; Nakagawa, Yutaka; Koh, Hidemsa; Nakazava, Akira; Ohnishi, TakanoriUS Patent 5548302 (A),1996; European Patent EP0581255 (A1), 1994; European Patent EP0581255 (B1), 1999.
1997Display apparatus and a data signal forming method for the display apparatusAsari, Goro; Ruckmongathan, T.N.; Kuwata, Takeshi; Nakagawa, YutakaUS Patent 5644329 (A),1997;European Patent EP0612184 (A2),1994; European Patent EP0612184 (A3),1995; European Patent EP0612184 (B1),1999; German Patent DE69420437 (T2),1999.
1997Display apparatus and a driving method for a display apparatusAsari, Goro; Nakagawa, Yutaka; Ruckmongathan, T.N.; Kuwata, TakeshiUS Patent 5689280, 1997;European Patent EP0618562 (A1),1994; European Patent EP0618562(B1), 1998; German Patent DE69410682 (T2),1999; Chinese Patent CN1110789(A), 1995.
1998Method for forming column signals for a liquid crystal display apparatusKuwata, Takeshi; Ruckmongathan, T.N.; Ohbiki, Toru; Ito, Masami; Asari, Goro; Ohnishi, TakanoriUS Patent 5754157, 1998
1-Dec-1995Covariant elasticity and dislocations in smectic-C' liquid crystalsHatwalne, Yashodhan; Lubensky, T.C.Physical Review E, 1995, Vol. 52, p6240
Oct-1994The pressure dependence of molecular dynamics measured by NMRMcDonald, P.J.; Vijayaraghavan, D.; Debenham, P.M.; Horsewill, A.J.Physica B: Condensed Matter, 1994, Vol.202, p 346-350
1998Liquid crystals made of highly polar compoundsMadhusudana, N.V.Brazilian Journal of Physics, 1998, Vol.28, p301-313