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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
10-Oct-1991Faceted two dimensional crystalsSuresh, K.A.Current Science, 1991, Vol. 61, p439-440.
25-Jan-1994Should entropy always drive a system to disorder?Suresh, K.A.; Ranganath, G.S.Current Science, 1994, Vol. 66, p101-102.
25-Dec-1994The ubiquitous phase gratingSuresh, K.A.Current Science, 1994, Vol.67, p978-979.
10-May-1998Pancharatnam phase as a purely geometric phaseHariharan, P.; Suresh, K.A.; Mujumdar, SushilCurrent Science, 1998, Vol. 74, p731-732.
Jul-1999Phase transitions in Langmuir monolayersSuresh, K.A.; Bhattacharyya, Amitabha.Pramana, 1999, Vol. 53, p93-106.
1999Diffraction in heterogeneous liquid crystalsSuresh, K.A.; Ranganath, G.S.; Giridhar, M.S.Current Science, 1999, Vol. 76, p1325.
Jan-1999Fascinating shapes and structures due to entropic forcesSengupta, Kheya; Suresh, K.A.Resonance, 1999, Jan. Vol. 4, p68-75.
Sep-1996Modulations in the diffracted intensity in chiral smectic-C liquid crystalsSah, Yuvaraj; Sunil Kumar, P.B.; Suresh, K.A.Physical Review E, 1996, Vol.54, 3025-3027
1-Jun-1997Phase diagram of a liquid crystal siloxane polymer at air water interfaceBhattacharyya, Amitabha.; Suresh, K.A.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1997, Vol.299, p193-198
1998Novel phase diagram of a mixed Langmuir monolayer of octylcyanobiphenyl and stearic acidBhattacharyya, Amitabha.; Suresh, K.A.Europhysics Letters, 1998, Vol.41, p641-646