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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1-Aug-1988Mean-field to tricritical crossover behavior near the smectic-A-smectic-C* tricritical pointShashidhar, R.; Ratna, B.R.; Nair, Geetha G.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Bahr, Ch.; Heppke, G.Physical Review Letters, 1988, Vol.61, 547
Feb-1977A coaxial DTA cell for the study of liquid crystalline transitions at elevated pressuresReshamwala, A.S.; Shashidhar, R.Journal of Physics E - Scientific Instruments, 1977, Vol.10, p180-183
1988Dielectric studies of the hexatic B-smectic A and crystal B-smectic A transitionsNagabhushan, C.; Nair, Geetha G.; Ratna, B.R.; Shashidhar, R.; Goodby, J.W.Liquid Crystals, 1988, Vol.3, p175-183
1980High pressure studies on 4, 4'-di-n-alkoxyazoxybenzenesVenkatesh, G.; Shashidhar, R.; Parmar, D.S.Proceedings of the international liquid crystals conference, Bangalore, 1979. Ed. S Chandrasekhar. Heyden, 1980, p373-379
1988Partially bilayer smectic A phase in a terminally non-polar comoundRatna, B.R.; Shashidhar, R.; Raja, V.N.; Nagabhushan, C.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Pelzl, G.; Diele, S.; Latif, I.; Demus, D.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters, 1988, Vol.5, p211-217
1982Piezothermal studies in the vicinity of the smectic A-nematic transition in 4'-n-octyloxy-4-cyanobiphenyl (8OCB)Shashidhar, R.; Ter Minassian, L.; Ratna, B.R.; Kalkura, A.N.Journal de Physique Lettres, 1982, Vol.43, pL239-L242
1985Experimental studies on a triply reentrant mesogenShashidhar, R.; Ratna, B.R.; Surendranath, V.; Raja, V.N.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Nagabhushan, C.Journal de Physique Lettres, 1985, Vol.46, pL445-L450
1971Theory of melting of molecular crystals ii: Solid-solid and melting transitionsChandrasekhar, S.; Shashidhar, R.; Tara, N.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1971, Vol.12, p245
1970Theory of melting of molecular crystals: the liquid crystalline phaseChandrasekhar, S.; Shashidhar, R.; Tara, N.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1970, Vol.10, p337
1997X-ray, dielectric and high pressure studies on a compound exhibiting ferro-, ferri- and antiferroelectric smectic phasesShankar Rao, D.S.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Mery, S.; Shashidhar, R.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1997, Vpl.292, p301