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Results 11-20 of 132 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Sep-1979Miscibility studies of disc-like moleculesBillard, J.; Sadashiva, B.K.Pramana, 1979, Vol. 13, p309-318.
Jul-1979Re-entrant nematic phase in pure compounds at atmospheric pressureMadhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Moodithaya, K.P.L.Current Science, 1979, Vol. 48, p613-614.
Jul-1999Molecular structure and chiral liquid crystalline phasesSadashiva, B.K.Pramana, 1999, Vol. 53, p213-222.
May-1988A biaxial nematic liquid crystal.Chandrasekhar, S.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Ratna, B.R.; Raja, V.N.Pramana, 1988, Vol. 30, pL491-L494.
2005Two-dimensionally periodic phases in mixtures of compounds made of rodlike and bent-core moleculesPratibha, R.; Madhusudana, N.V.; Sadashiva, B.K.Physical Review E, 2005, Vol.71, 011701
2006Bistable linear electro-optical switching in the B7 phase of novel bent-core moleculesUmadevi, S.; Jakli, A.; Sadashiva, B.K.Soft Matter, 2006, Vol.2, p215-222
15-Sep-2006Characterization of nematic phase of banana liquid crystalLe, Khoa Van; Dhara, Surajit; Sadashiva, B.K.; Takanishi, Yoichi; Takezoe, HideoJapanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, Vol.45, pL1013-L1015
Feb-2006The SmCPA phase in five‐ring bent‐core compounds derived from 5‐methoxyisophthalic acidUmadevi, S.; Radhika, S.; Sadashiva, B.K.Liquid Crystals, 2006, Vol.33, p139-147
2002Novel chiral fluoro-substituted benzoyloxybenzoates exhibiting an antiferroelectric mesophaseShubashree, S.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Dhara, SurajitMolecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2002, Vol.381, p21-32
Nov-1977Liquid crystals of disc-like moleculesChandrasekhar, S.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Suresh, K.A.Pramana, 1977, Vol. 9, p471-480.