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Results 61-70 of 278 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
14-Aug-2013New perylene-based non-conventional discotic liquid crystalsGupta, Satyam Kumar; Setia, Shilpa; Sidiq, Sumyra; Gupta, Monika; Kumar, Sandeep; Pal, Santanu KumarRSC Advance, 2013, Vol. 3, p12060-12065
Nov-2014Electro-optical and dielectric properties of CdSe quantum dots and 6CHBT liquid crystals compositesSingh, U.B.; Dhar, R.; Pandey, Abhay Shanker; Kumar, Sandeep; Dabrowski, R.; Pandey, M.B.AIP Advances, 2014, Vol. 4, p117112
24-Apr-2014Orientational order parameter measurements of discotic liquid crystalKaur, Supreet; Raina, K.K.; Kumar, Sandeep; Pratibha, R.AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1591, 2014, p180-182
22-May-2015Self-assembly of thiolated graphene oxide onto a gold surface and in the supramolecular order of discotic liquid crystalsAvinash, B.S.; Kumar, Manish; Lakshminarayanan, V.; Kumar, SandeepRSC Advance, 2015, Vol. 5, p47692-47700
Feb-2015Luminescent CdTe quantum dots incarcerated in a columnar matrix of discotic liquid crystals for optoelectronic applicationsKumar, Manish; Kumar, SandeepRSC Advance, 2015, Vol. 5, p1262-1267
Aug-2015Enhancement in the thermodynamic, electrical and optical properties of hexabutoxytriphenylene due to copper nanoparticlesYaduvanshi, Priti; Mishra, Avneesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2015, Vol. 208, p 160-164
15-Feb-2007Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkoxycyanobiphenyl thiols on gold surface using a lyotropic liquid crystalline mediumGanesh, V.; Pal, Santanu Kumar; Kumar, Sandeep; Lakshminarayanan, V.Electrochimica Acta , 2007, Vol.52, p2987-2997
30-Oct-2006Microwave-assisted synthesis of novel imidazolium-based ionic liquid crystalline dimersPal, Santanu Kumar; Kumar, SandeepTetrahedron Letters, 2006, Vol.47, p8993-8997
2004Inclusion of gold nanoparticles into a discotic liquid crystalline matrixKumar, Sandeep; Lakshminarayanan, V.Chemical Communications, 2004, Vol.14, p1600 - 1601
Mar-2015Effect of octadecylamine-functionalised SWCNTs on the elastic constants and electro-optic response of a liquid crystalKumar, Jitendra; Manjuladevi, V.; Gupta, Raj Kumar; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2015, Vol.42, p 361-369