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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Jul-1991On the variation of pitch and polarisation-tilt coupling in chiral smectic CKrishna Prasad, S.; Nair, Geetha G.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,1991, Vol.202, p91-102
Apr-1991Dielectric behavior near a smectic Ad- smectic A2 critical pointShankar Rao, D.S.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Raja, V.N.; Pfeiffer, S.; Quentel, S.; Heppke, G.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1991, Vol.198, p291-297
Sep-1991Effect of the I* phase temperature range on the nature of the tilted fluid to hexatic transitionRaja, V.N.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Shankar Rao, D.S.; Goodby, J.W.; Neubert, M.E.Ferroelectrics, 1991, Vol.121, p235 - 245
Sep-1991Measurement of rotational viscosity in the Smectic C* phaseKrishna Prasad, S.; Khened, S.M.; Raja, V.N.; Shivkumar, B.Ferroelectrics, 1991, Vol.121, p319 - 334
Sep-1991High pressure studies on ferroelectric liquid crystalsKhened, S.M.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Raja, V.N.; Chandrasekhar, S.; Shivkumar, B.Ferroelectrics, 1991, Vol.121, p307 - 318
Sep-1991Experimental studies in the vicinity of the C*-I* transitionRaja, V.N.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Khened, S.M.; Shankar Rao, D.S.Ferroelectrics, 1991, Vol.121, p343 - 353
1991Dielectric studies of Goldstone mode and soft mode in the vicinity of the A-C* transitionKhened, S.M.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Shivkumar, B.; Sadashiva, B.K.Journal de Physique II, 1991, Vol.1, p171-180
Feb-1991Ferroelectric liquid crystals derived from trans-p-n-alkoxycinnamic acidsShivkumar, B.; Sadashiva, B.K.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Khened, S.M.Ferroelectrics, 1991, Vol.114, p273-282